Welcome to The Peace Leadership Institute

The Peace Leadership Institute is a division of the Peace Company that provides training, courses, educational resources and consulting on peacebuilding and leadership. The goal of the Institute is to become a common forum of discussion and innovation for peace educators, students, professionals, and the public. We believe that incorporating peace leadership into one’s personal and business practices will open doors with predictable success.
We are currently expanding our offering of peacebuilding training and action programs for both general audiences and professionals interested and involved with peacebuilding issues. Check back in Spring 2012 for updates on exciting new offerings.
Peacebuilding Training and Workshops
Since 2001 The Peace Company has offered Peacebuilding Training to hundreds of individuals worldwide at such places as Conflict Management Group, Cambridge, MA; Findhorn Foundation, Scotland, Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, CA, the School for International Training, Brattleboro, VT. In addition, we have co-sponsored and co-convened Interfaith Dialogue and Women’s Empowerment workshops in Israel, Africa, Canada and southeast Asia.
Trainings can be tailored to the needs of the requesting organization. To request information, please contact us at info@thepeacecompany.com or call us toll free at 1-888-455-5355.
Peace Education Resource Guide
Please visit the Institute’s Peace Education Resource Guide to learn more about peace education and peace studies, and to find extensive resources. In addition to organizations and key partners, the Guide provides links to free curricula and teaching tools for educators focusing on everything from traditional peace education to digital age ethics. The Guide also includes information on degree and certificate programs in peace and conflict resolution. Finally, the Guide links to our archives in Peace Library.
Home Study and Online Programs
We are currently expanding our offering of peacebuilding training and action programs for both general audiences and professionals interested and involved with peacebuilding issues. Check back Spring 2012 for updates on exciting new home study, online study programs and onsite workshops. In the meantime, you may visit our store for home study and learning resources.
Past course offerings include a 6-week Online Home Study Course on the Foundations of Peacebuilding.