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Peace Gifts for Global Healing

Help Heal Old Wounds and Sow the Seeds of Peace

BurmaEthiopiaSierra LeoneRwanda

The Peace Company is proud to introduce our new initiative, Peace Gifts for Global Healing, to further our mission of creating a sustainable global culture of peace.

We have selected several areas of the world where violent conflict has profoundly affected people’s lives. Out of the media eye once hostilities subside, the people of these areas are struggling unseen—often as refugees, war widows or ex-combatants—to rebuild their lives and communities.

Poverty is a Weapon of Mass Destruction

There is an old adage – “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and they can eat for a lifetime.” In many ways, the goals of Peace Gifts for Global Healing are analogous to this. While we are not doing any teaching directly, our program will help provide economic opportunities for those seeking to rebound from the horrors of war. We are doing this in several ways:

  • Increasing public awareness about these places of conflict
  • Making the public aware of specific organizations doing development work with these vulnerable populations
  • Providing new and expanded markets for products produced in these areas
  • Donating a portion of profits on all Peace Gifts for Global Healing products back to the local programs (non-profits and NGOs)

And, while doing all of the above, we are providing beautiful and functional merchandise for you to cherish or give as a Gift of Peace.

Your purchases directly support programs that provide economic opportunities for victims of war. These are some of the most vulnerable populations in the world. In addition to the support created by providing markets for their work, The Peace Company will donate a portion of profits from Peace Gifts for Global Healing merchandise purchases back to these local, non-profit programs.

Merchandise Available

WEAVE Rag Dolls Detail
Burmese Rag Dolls

Ethiopian Scarves and Shawls

Pggh Sisalbasket Detail
Rwandan Baskets

Sierra Leone Gara Tie Dye Shirt Detail
Sierra Leone Shirts

The Programs in Action

Tribal Karen women weaving for the WEAVE program at a
refugee camp on Thai-Burmese border

Learn more about Burma and the WEAVE Project

Ethiopian woman from Alem Gena, near Addis Ababa,
spinning silk

Learn more about Ethiopia and the Sabahar Project

Rwandan woman weaving sisal baskets
in refugee camp

Learn more about Rwanda and the Rwandan Weavers Project

Children eating at the CEM school in Sierra Leone

Learn more about Sierra Leone and the CEM Program

The Peace Company • 21 Main Street, Bristol, VT 05443 • 1-888-455-5355 (toll-free) • info@thepeacecompany.com
Copyright © 2003-2011 by The Peace Company. All rights reserved.