Peace Flag
A Symbol of Our Shared Longing for Peace
The World Peace Flag (WPF) is an international and universal
symbol of our shared longing for peace. The word PEACE is
fully or partially shown in 37 languages. Five of the languages,
Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, Mandarin, and Russian/Cyrillic, are
shown both in their written form and transliterated to the
Latin alphabet. The languages were selected with these criteria:
recent areas of conflict (Arabic for Palestine, Iraq and other
Middle Eastern countries, Hebrew for Israel, Pashto for Afghanistan);
permanent members of the UN Security Council (China, England,
France, Russia, US); representation from each continent; indigenous
representation (Mayan, Inuit, Hawaiian, Onondagan).
The flag is 2 feet X 3 feet and is made from DuraMax 250
polyester, perhaps the best flag material made. The flag has
two brass grommets on the two-foot side for attaching the
flag to a pole or other support and are two-sided. The design
shows on each side.